A domestic company that produces toilet paper has recently been making face masks | DELT Papir

From its beginning in 2004 until today, the company DELT Papir has developed into an innovative manufacturer of paper products and hygiene products. Annually, this Zagreb company processes about 12 thousand tons of paper.

In the midst of the corona crisis, they decided to take another business step forward and invested 1.5 million kuna in a new plant for the production of certified 3-ply surgical masks.



Krunoslav Kišak and Alen Krajačić, co-owners of DELT Papir from Zagreb, point out that these surgical masks, due to their composition, which includes three layers and with an emphasis on specific filters, almost 100% protect against the spread of drops when speaking or coughing. Currently, the factory in Zagreb’s Jankomir produces about 50,000 pieces of masks a day.

As the market demands are great, they export to as many as 26 countries, and in the next 20 days they plan to launch another production line which would double the current daily capacities.

When it comes to the production of paper products, the company is divided into two segments, so the retail part refers to household products, paper towels, toilet paper and napkins, and under the brand Ola’la products and retail brands. The second segment is the Professional program, which is used in public toilets, but also in kindergartens, schools, banks and cafes.

The article from Privredni.hr.